Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Para Que Sirve El Betamethasone

ROMA - CITY HALL XI - What happens in the district

The Writers Via P. Matteucci

who has recently moved along P. Matteucci will certainly have noticed the artwork along the border wall that delimits the area of \u200b\u200bthe station at Ostia: it was a long wall of white cement.

For some time, "graffiti artists" of all ages (children, adolescents, adults) take turns in making their artistic creations, understand each other the work of one and other.

It is not known whether this was spontaneous or authorized, the reality is that the artists perform their works at any time of day with a continuous production and ...
nausente a smell of paint! CDM

We do not live on that street but we wonder how can the people residing there live with those emissions that add to smog caused by the intense traffic that characterizes via P Matteucci. However, the CDM

recognize that the initiative to draw up a wall of gray concrete and abstract counting is a good idea and some works are really beautiful ... it is a pity that they have a few hours old.

The CDM believe that such initiatives should be encouraged by the public and amminiastrazione catalyzed in appropriate areas as a measure of "anti-tags" (those written distorted and illegible) that disfigure the walls of buildings in Rome, preferably just cleaned and freshly painted. You can color

narrow bridges and subways without architectural merit, it could set up races and competitions, thus protecting jobs created, enhancing the skills of each artist, while increasing controls anti-tags in unauthorized places and punish the perpetrators.


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