Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pro Ana About Me Sayings


positive debut for the U19 against Vico Parma, 73-49 the final result despite a 1 st quarter than suffered, certainly due to too much tension for the debut in the league. Match
particularly acute for our Manferdelli Flores and ex-turn, while another former Fanti was absent.
game started with, say, some heartache too (2-12 for Vico after just a few minutes of play), but obviously this was part of the game plan (real babies?), That is to believe their opponents of being incompetent and make perfect so our recovery much more spectacular and fun for the spectators in the stands. Why
a good start from the beginning? It must have been so much more exciting, no?
And who cares if the coach time to seize rompipalle na 'to as syncope were putting things! The entry of
Ganapini first and then Flores, however, give the change of pace and intensity that were missed in the defense now, so you can solve the black out and start to reduce the disadvantage to the first mini-break (16-21). Speech
totally different but in the 2nd quarter, where the physical differences of our Scalabrini, and Ganapini Manferdelli (not exactly treated with kid gloves by his former comrades) and a greater clarity of the exterior, have enabled us to retrieve several balloons defense then finished off guard and get some 'margin of advantage.
The last two quarters have been fully under our control, gradually increasing the advantage in our favor, giving the opportunity for all actual and 12 can take the field.
Excellent evidence of Flores, and Ganapini Scalabrini, while the prize for the best setter will undoubtedly Manferdelli, but much is made of rubber ...

BMR - Vico Parma 73 to 49
Scalabrini 18, Montanari 1, Bondavalli, Tincani, Flores 7, Dallari 16, Gonzaga 19 Ganapini, Bergomi 4, Manferdelli 2, 4 Braglia


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