Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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We are happy to advertise the presentation of the new book
MICOL BELTRAMINI, talented writer enrolled in May
Tuesday, March 15, 18.00 at the FNAC, Milan.

protagonist of the book, a thirty year old Milan, struggling with a series of questions of life that dot the secret corner of the mind, heart, of every young woman. Responses bloom with fresh, making these pages a sort of handbook vitae, that any girl today could subscribe and keep in your handbag. A book for everyone, because all breathe questions and answers sought-after, after all.

Here is a brief author's note:

"said Daniele Silvestri Before being a man who happened to think of life as" an ice cream licked from all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world sucks, but still tasty. " It often happens to me too. My name is Micol Beltramini, and I have written a book coming out March 15. I wrote to you all that is, for all of us. We do that every day we are out there, and we have to vedercela with what surrounds us, in its more prosaic and poetic extremes. The book is called Vieniminelcuore. Good reading. "

A great event with the literature. Do not miss it.
Vieniminelcuore on facebook event page

Press MAG - Federica Curcio


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